Spaceship Prototype Level
Mission Name: If it wasn’t for you.
Play the level : Download the build by clicking here
Mission Pitch:
The game opens on the player, number 37, waking up inside his pod station. He soon discovers that he is in a spaceship that is under siege and carries valuable biosphere data’s. 37’s mission is to first stabilize the ship then save the data and upload them to the main serval center by exploring the ship with the help of the remaining team members.
One Week Assignment:
The spaceship level is made in Unreal4 and started off as one week assignment. I pushed the design further and ended up working on it approximately during three months periodically between September 2018 and January 2019. My inspiration for this project came from my love of science fiction, space, claustrophobic environments and strangeness. The main influence for the level is the movie Alien.
Level Map:


Layout+: Reference to Alien
I wanted to include a visual reference to Alien. After watching the movies, I chose one space and recreated it. The inclusion in the level give the spaceship mission a sense of grandeur.
Design :
Claustrophobic versus openness - the layout goes to narrow to wider
Shoot, jump, crouch and sprint are the core mechanics
BluePrint Communication only - no use of the level BP
Hammer/Vent mechanic allow the players to have different experience in certain room. Breaking the linearity of having only one option and increase the sense of exploration
Puzzle Design - the level features simple door puzzle door where clues are given to the player like in a combination lock scenario for example
Gating: Key Door puzzle keep the player in a zone. Destroy objects, find a combination or press a button
Narrative> Interactable NPC give you insight on the situation and hints about the story
Updating objectives and interactable NPC
Items enhance exploration and add some mysteriousness to the world
Sound feedback implementation.
SkyBox made to give this space feeling
Software used:
Unreal4 - Photosop - Audition - Spacescape