I always enjoyed creative writing and will keep exploring this way of expression. This approach also fulfils a therapeutic and cathartic role.
Nowhere to be seen, no place to be wanted, no heart to be missed, no mind to be thought of.
Behind the smile the tears are hidden. Carry on says the voice. And the body wonders, years lying ahead. And the body weakens while the soul pretends. All of it gone when the eyes are shut. All of it ready to be freed.
What's left of it no longer matters. What's left of it belongs to the shadows. The whole illusion were the cracks appearing thin.
And now it's already black around. For it all starts again. Exhausted resignation of the being. And yet the wind blows the dust and gives life to a form.
Feet stumbling, the eye candy mind starving. The fall would have prevented any tomorrow. No wonder the path always led to the same place.
And yet the seeds grow. And yet a landscape lays around, a melody to be heard, it feels almost familiar
Lament of a talking sculpture
I hear a name. Numbness thinking, I hear my name. Clock not ticking. Chest ripped apart. A presence is calling.
Wonders of colours. I leave the cell. Unseen smells. Unheard sensation. Novelties of the chambers. Delicate trap of the muted. Complexion of the wonders.
There he stands fearless. Body feels like a light. He says my name. Voices of the muses.
He stands enchanting. Helios he is holding. Remnant of home by his touching.
He repeats my name. Timeless devotion. Tender erosion. Melting illusion.
He whispers my name. He offers eternity, absorbs integrity. The deal is sealed.
Another stranger tomorrow shall remain unnamed.
At first and then
White strokes on the black board, testimony of a skilful hand, thin and elegant curvy shaped lines, eyes feel soft at the glance, carrying the knowledge of it all, sounds like the reassuring pinch of a guitar cord.
Stone cold draft over the skin, limbs agitated twitching, the mind going away drifting, looking for answers on the ceiling, at the loss of the meaning began the spinning.
The formula is changing, swarm of flies intensely buzzing, hopeless to reason with the evolving, where to become when it’s all changing, suffocating existence, shallow breathing, all of it all drowning and drowning, was the board reminiscence or only lying?
The heavy sound of the metal dragging on the floor. The mind can’t rest. One more step under the ardent flail. The obsession slays. One more step. The screaming sound of the metal dragging on the floor. A blade slashing on a requiem. One more step taught by the gashing of the tears.
The ankles carry on the wideness of the thoughts. The screeching noise reveals the afflictive motion. Laceration weakens the spirit. It burns from the sky to the ground. If only the blood was fuelling the machine. One more step. Rather be dead suddenly thinks the pain.
The chain extends the agony. The step is the freedom of mind. One more step it howls. Determination leads the way. One more step. Through the aches the ankles pull. Spare resource is the breathing, luxury of the body. In all grace the exasperation fades. Fades and gives a chance to battle again. Again, the steps, while the mind consumes all debates. Debating the relentless efforts. Effort almost admirable. The cycle repeats. More, more steps. There is no other way.
It was unintentional. Like a slice of a spirit. A drop in an empty glass. A fool against a mad king.
It was delusional. Simplicity of the mind. A leaf blown by the wind. A god among the insects.
It was suicidal. Neurotic harmony. Organic disturbance. Oddness of the draws, misfortune of time.
Melting pot
It’s like nothing ever was.
I don’t recognise the space. White and thick curtains hanging from the roof, a grey light piercing through the covered window. My voice pulses back on the walls. It resonate like an engulfing roar of pain, maybe an insinuation of my own recrimination. My lenses limit my senses and the big one is inevitably short sighted, it only allows me to see some blue. The blue smiling clowns drawn on the wallpaper, a rocking chair creaking by itself and the repetitive sound of the rain heavy rain hitting the glass.
Fear no more as I am what you seek. This barrage, intangible to you, is invisible to me. Give me your hand, look at me in the deep sea of my eyes, feel the reassurance darkness I offer, look deep into the soul and see the inclinations as I see them, feel the comfortable loneliness and embrace the hardship of its existence. At war you were and no more you shall be. I won’t erase the scars, I only reward the listener. Fear no more as I am what you seek.
Unheard is my voice, muted reality of this world, I look through the window, I see the red sand, the giants rocks laying till the eyes cant see, the sky is alive, mixing light and dark, reminder of the nothingness we all are. Glazing at this, no logic can prevent. The fists are clenched, head against the glass, I hit it with the forehead, I taste the saltiness of my marasmus, I refuse to surrender, confined knowledge of this reflection, I hit until the salt becomes iron. Here it comes, I deserve this, the stagnation of my being is an utter predication to my own limitation. I refuse to surrender, I scream, I fall, the winds blows the red sand, a storm is coming.
Me sitting on this cold metal bed. Silence answers all my summonings. This new world feels like the sorrow of Andromeda. Do not worry, for I am here for you. Let me be and the lights you shall see. I ll open all the doors and no longer you will be treated as a prisoner. Let me be for you as I am what you seek. Only you can let me be.
It’s like nothing ever was.